Quick Facts
Region: Tolima, Colombia Altitude: 1400 to 1700 masl Process: Washed Botanical Varieties: Caturra, Castillo. Colombia, Typica and Bourban. Harvest: October-January (main crop) with a Mitaca (Flycrop) from April - June First Shipment: December ( Main Crop ), May (Flycrop) Cupping Notes
Reference: 5235
PROJECT OVERVIEWThe Margure project aims at improving coffee processing infrastructure and quality for 40 women coffee growers in Chaparral, Tolima, Colombia. The South Tolima Coffee Growers Cooperative (CafiSur), the government of Canada, the coffee exporter Expocafe® and other stakeholders including N.J Douek are working together with this community. This initiative is a clear example of the positive impact that colaboration can bring to the coffee grower communities everywhere. The Margure project is part of Expocafé's WRM (Water Resource Management - "The Blue Coffee Bean") initiative.
Water Resource Management (WRM) is Expocafé's sustainability initiative, which targets three key sustainability goals: economic, environmental and social, through projects that include working with coffee grower communities on adoption of approaches and habits that lead to reduced and adequate use of water in coffee production and daily activities. Coffees labeled with the WRM's blue coffee bean logo are guaranteed to be produced following responsible water management methods.